Friday, March 11, 2011

reply to: How can I stop the mails coming continuously to my account without my invitation?

Ref to How can I stop the mails coming continuously to my account without my invitation?

Hi Dear

My advice would be as follows if you let me reply.

First, here is some words, I'm going to use.
Sender = anybody who sends email message
Recipient = anybody who receives email message
distributed email message = message come from messaging group like "Google Group"

Now I'm going to give you some advices. Please read carefully.

Sender can - send messages to any email address(es) which he knows.
Sender don't need - recipient's invitation at all. It is the purpose of email messaging and rights of every body.

Recipient can - receive messages which sender sent to him.
Recipient have a right - to delete any unwanted message when it arrived to his mail box.

Recipient can - set-up junk mail filter to remove spam mails. (Gmail client do it automatically)
Recipient can - report mail-server not to deliver such messages in future. (in Gmail, it is called "report Spam")

Recipient can - classify incoming messages by folders. (in Gmail client, it is called "Filter" and "Label")
Actually "Filter" is criteria for grouping messages and "Label" is somewhat a folder to place those grouped messages.

Recipient can - move less-priority messages out of his eyes sight. (in Gmail, it is called "mute")

Sender can - invite Recipient to join messaging groups to have distributed email messages.

Recipient can - join messaging groups with his own desire to receive distributed email messages.
Recipient can - withdraw from messaging groups with his own desire to stop receiving distributed email messages at any time.

*** There is One Important Feature in "Google Group". Google Group Member (every Gmail Account holder) can set-up "Invitation preferences". for following two purposes.
- Allow / Do not allow group managers to invite me to their groups. (* If you don't allow, then sender can't invite to join the group.)

- Allow / Do not allow group managers to directly add me to their groups. (* If you don't allow, then sender can't add you to the group.)
Those are very nice preferences. You can manage your memberships (to the groups) in one-stop-web page in the Google.

I recommend you to check that page. URL is
Anyone can check with own gmail account.

In conclusion, you, as a Recipient, may notice you can do many actions to manage own mail box than a Sender.
Please go ahead to the good deeds. :)

connecting...almost never... :)
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